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MPS 提供全系列超低功耗数字隔离器产品,可满足严苛的工业和汽车环境要求。这些数字隔离器采用 MPS 专有的电容隔离技术,可支持 5kVRMS 绝缘电压、大于100kV/µs 的 CMTI 和高达 150Mbps 的数据传输速率。与传统光耦合器和磁隔离解决方案相比,电容隔离技术延长了寿命并降低了辐射。这些隔离器专为满足多样的信号传输场景而设计,包括RS485、RS422、UART、SPI等。它们能够满足最严格的 EMI 要求,同时能够最大限度地降低功耗;而且完全满足危险环境应用特有的严格隔离要求,例如可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC)、功率计、车载充电器和医疗电子设备。
将数字隔离器集成到智能家居设备中技术文章智能家居设备越来越受欢迎。智能恒温器、照明系统、安防系统和家庭娱乐系统已经走进了千家万户,为家居功能提供自动化管理和无线控制,让用户可以通过移动应用程序或数字界面来监控和控制他们的家。然而,尽管智能家居设备存在诸多优势,用户仍面临着一些风险,例如电气故障可能导致的触电、火灾或设备的直接损坏。 本文讨论了在智能家居设备中集成数字隔离器以确保安全性和可靠性的重要性。 数字隔离器是一种电子设备,它可以在两个电路之间提供电气隔离,同时又允许数字信号在电路之间传递。通过电磁耦合或电容耦合,数字隔离器无需直接电气连接即可跨越隔离屏障进行数据传输。 数字隔离器通常用于需要电气隔离以保护敏感电路免受高压、噪声或其他危害的应用。它们可用于电源、电机控制、医疗设备、工业自动化以及其他安全性和可靠性攸关的应用。图 1 显示了容性隔离的示意图。 选择数字隔离器时,所需的隔离电压是一个重...
INTRODUCTION TO GATE DRIVERSMPSCHOLARGate drivers are essential components in modern electronics. They are specialized circuits that have the important task of controlling the operation of power switches, such as MOSFETs and IGBTs. Their main purpose is to supply the required drive voltage and current to the gate of these power devices. Figure 1: Gate Drive between Microcontroller and Power Transistor Fundamental Role: Gate drive...
THE ROAD AHEAD: PREDICTIONS AND POSSIBILITIESMPSCHOLARThe future of electronics is closely tied to the progress of integration technologies. These advancements go beyond cramming more features into smaller spaces, they involve reshaping the way devices communicate with each other and their users. System-on-Chip (SoC) Evolution: Future SoCs are anticipated to seamlessly incorporate digital isolation into their architecture. This involves implementi...
SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONSMPSCHOLARIt is becoming increasingly important for the electronics sector to implement environmentally responsible manufacturing procedures as environmental consciousness rises and regulatory demands mount. During the entirety of the product lifespan, these environmentally friendly manufacturing techniques not only contribute to the reduction of the environmental impact, but they also play an important rol...
MARKET TRENDS AND DEMANDSMPSCHOLARIn order to maintain a competitive and relevant position in the continually changing environment of industrial technology, it is essential to have a solid awareness of the shifting requirements and to develop solutions that are specific to the industry. These dynamics are influenced by the evolution of technology, market demands, and environmental considerations. Automation and Robotics: The tr...
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND MATERIALSMPSCHOLARThe evolution of isolation materials in the electronic design of digital isolators is a field that is characterized by continual innovation, which has led to considerable gains in both performance and reliability. In contemporary electronics, one of the most important areas of focus is the investigation of novel materials and their effects. New Dielectric Materials: Recent developments have bee...
CASE STUDIESMPSCHOLARReal-world case studies provide valuable insights in the dynamic field of electronic design. These studies, which explore the practical implementation of isolated solutions and the lessons learned from industry applications, offer a wealth of knowledge for engineers of all levels of experience. Industrial Automation Systems: Ford's Michigan Assembly Plant seamlessly integrated digital isolators...
OPTIMIZATION FOR EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCEMPSCHOLAREfficiency and performance optimization are crucial in electronic system design, particularly in power management for digital isolators. This requires understanding how to optimize power conversion and distribution while managing the delicate balance between performance and power consumption. Switch-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS): SMPS are highly favored for their exceptional power conversion effic...
THERMAL MANAGEMENTMPSCHOLAREfficient thermal management is crucial for maintaining the reliability and efficiency of isolated solutions. Having a grasp on the origins of heat and employing strategies to efficiently disperse it are vital aspects of this procedure. Electronic Component Heat Generation: During operation, electronic components are the main source of heat in isolated solutions. Electronic applications commonl...
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) AND NOISE MANAGEMENTMPSCHOLARElectromagnetic compatibility (EC) is of utmost importance when it comes to designing and operating electronic devices, such as digital isolators. Ensuring that a device operates smoothly within its electromagnetic environment without causing any disruptive electromagnetic disturbances is crucial. Definition and Components: EMC consists of three main components: emission, susceptibility, and im...
RELIABILITY AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSMPSCHOLAREnsuring reliability and safety in the realm of digital isolators requires strict adherence to industry standards and regulations. This section offers a comprehensive look at these standards and emphasizes the significance of adhering to them and obtaining certification. Significance of Standards in Isolator Design: Standards play a crucial role in isolator design as they establish the essentia...
MPS offers a full family of ultra-low power digital isolator products designed to meet the requirements of harsh industrial and automotive environments. Using MPS’s proprietary, capacitive-based isolation technology, these digital isolators can support 5kVRMS insulation voltage, >100kV/µs of CMTI, and up to 150Mbps data rate transmission. The capacitive-based isolation technology extends longevity and lowers emissions compared to legacy optocoupler and magnetic isolation solutions. These products are designed to meet various signal transmission scenarios, including RS485, RS422, UART, SPI, and more. They are capable of meeting the most stringent EMI requirements while minimizing power consumption. These isolators are well-suited for applications in hazardous environments with strict isolation requirements, such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs), power meters, on-board chargers, and medical electronics.