MP27942GY-Z MP27942GY-P MP27942-LGY-Z MP27942-LGY-P
The EV279XX-XX-Y-00A is an evaluation board designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the MP279xx family, a high-performance, six-channel digital isolator. The EV279XX-XX-Y-00A has several versions. Throughout the datasheet, any mention of the EV279XX-XX-Y-00A applies to all versions, unless otherwise noted.
The MP279xx is available in a SOIC wide-body (WB) package and adopts capacitive isolation technology to support an insulation voltage rating up to 5kVRMS.
This isolator offers a compact solution with low power consumption and improved reliability compared to traditional optocoupler isolators. A Schmitt trigger input and isolation encoding/decoding are provided for high immunity in noisy environments.
It is recommended to read the datasheets of MP27960, MP27951, MP27942, MP27933, MP27960-N, MP27951-N, MP27942-N, or MP27933-N prior to making any changes to the EV279XX-XX-Y-00A.
5kVRMS、4通道(3 个正向通道和 1 个反向通道)数字隔离芯片
5kVRMS、4 通道(4 个正向通道、无反向通道)数字隔离芯片
5kVRMS、6 通道(6 个正向通道、无反向通道)数字隔离芯片